S. J. Ben Yoo, PhD

Prof. S. J. Ben Yoo

Position Title
Distinguished Professor

UC Davis Kemper Hall 3110

S. J. Ben Yoo is a Distinguished Professor at the  University of California at Davis (UC Davis).  His research at UC Davis includes 2D/3D photonic integration for future computing, cognitive networks, communication, imaging, and navigation systems, micro/nano systems integration, and the future Internet. Prior to joining UC Davis in 1999, he was a Senior Research Scientist at Bellcore, leading technical efforts in integrated photonics, optical networking, and systems integration. His research activities at Bellcore included the next-generation Internet, reconfigurable multiwavelength optical networks (MONET), wavelength interchanging cross connects, wavelength converters, vertical-cavity lasers, and high-speed modulators. He led the MONET testbed experimentation efforts, and participated in ATD/MONET systems integration and a number of standardization activities.  Prior to joining Bellcore in 1991, he conducted research on nonlinear optical processes in quantum wells, a four-wave-mixing study of relaxation mechanisms in dye molecules, and ultrafast diffusion-driven photodetectors at Stanford University (BS’84, MS’86, PhD’91, Stanford University). Prof. Yoo is Fellow of IEEE, OSA, NIAC and a recipient of the DARPA Award for Sustained Excellence (1997), the Bellcore CEO Award (1998), the Mid-Career Research Faculty Award (2004 UC Davis), and the Senior Research Faculty Award (2011 UC Davis).